F4F - Two Nebraska Farmers - Tyler & Bryce
Episode Summary
We’re talking with sixth-generation farmers from East Central, NE. We'll hear about their journey into farming, their family operations, and their passion for organic farming. From electric weed zappers to soil health innovations, learn what excites them and their vision for the future of agriculture.
Episode Notes
Where are they from, what do they farm, how did they get into farming
How’s the family - do they farm with family?
East Central, NE
6th generation farmers with wife Amy
What are they up to today?
What they see that excites them?
What do they want to make sure they see before they leave
Electric weed zapper
Purchased in 2019
PTO driven generator
Uses 12,000 volts
Cyclone Farms
Amy’s family operation - they took over in 2012
Advocate for organic farming
80% organic in 2019
Talked with Secretary of Ag and Governor about helping farmers choosing to go organic
Working to “professionalize the industry”
White & yellow Corn, soybeans, hard red wheat, field peas for food grade organic market
Tested canola and other crops
End users in USA and abroad
North America:
Worked in many Midwest states
Developing and managing 10,000 acre farming operation in FL
Worked on 4 different continents
Ranging from 1,000-100,000 acre farms
Worked with over 23 different crops applying to Albrecht/Kinsey principles
Improve soil health → quality crops w/ high production
Soil Health
Utilize a Veris Electro-Conductivity Mapping Machine
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